Amble Press Submissions

Led by Managing Editor Orlando Ortega-Medina, Amble Press will publish fiction and narrative nonfiction by queer writers, with a primary, though not exclusive, focus on queer writers of color.

Amble Press is actively seeking submissions in several popular genres:

  • Contemporary General Fiction
  • Crime Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers
  • Historical Fiction
  • Action/Adventure
  • Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Cli-Fi/Spec Fiction/Steampunk
  • Graphic Novels
  • Young Adult/New Adult
  • Romance
  • Narrative nonfiction
  • Memoirs/Biographies 

Through Amble Press, we focus on underrepresented writers whose journeys deserve affirmation, celebration, and a seat at the literary table. In particular, we’re looking for unpublished full-length manuscripts (between 45,000 – 100,000 words) and graphic novels between 48 and 100 pages.

Amble Press celebrates and amplifies our community’s diverse voices and the unique and compelling stories they have to tell. As the forces of reaction are empowered at the highest levels of society, the arrival of Amble Press could not be more timely and necessary. Amble Press is committed to publishing books that are bold, entertaining, and of enduring value.” —Michael Nava, Managing Editor, Emeritus

We encourage submissions from writers of diverse identities within the LGBTQ+ community, including (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, culture, gender identity and expression, physical or mental state, disability, religion, and class.

We subscribe to a broad definition of disability, including but not limited to physical, sensory, cognitive, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, chronic conditions, and mental illnesses (this may also include addiction). Furthermore, we subscribe to a social model of disability, which presents disability as created by barriers in the social environment due to lack of equal access, stereotyping, and other forms of marginalization.

Most importantly, we seek authors with fresh, vibrant, unique voices.

So, if you have a manuscript that you believe is ready for prime time, please use the Submission Form below to send it to us.

If you have difficulty submitting via our Submissions Form below, please contact for more information.


Submissions Form for Amble Press

Be sure to read our list of submission tips first. Led by Managing Editor award-winning author Orlando Ortega-Medina, Amble Press will primarily publish fiction and narrative non-fiction from writers who identify as people of color, and those writing across the broader queer spectrum—with an absolute focus on underrepresented writers and readers whose journeys deserve affirmation, celebration, and a seat at the literary table.

  • Please select a genre here. If the genre is not listed here or if your work crosses several genres, please use the Any Other Questions or Comments section below to tell us about it.
  • Accepted file types: doc, pdf, txt, rtf, docx, Max. file size: 300 MB.
    Please submit only Word (.doc or .docx), PDF (.pdf), Text (.txt), or RTF (.rtf) files.
  • Example: "A PI novel set in New Orleans" or "A romance set in Edwardian England"
  • Examples: "I am a forensic pathologist, police detective, etc., and am using my background for this book." "I have published four other novels."
    Please select all that apply to you—we are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in publishing.
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