We love good books, just like you do
Dear Readers,
At Bywater, we have plenty to celebrate this month!
Congratulations are due to Elana Dykewomon, Z Egloff, Jill Malone, and Joan Opyr, who are all finalists for Lambda Literary Awards (also known as Lammys). The Lambda Literary Foundation exists to celebrate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans (LBGT) literature, preserving our history and promoting new voices. The first awards were presented in 1989, and today Lammys are recognized as the most prestigious awards for LGBT authors in the United States.
Elana and Jill are both finalists in the Lesbian Fiction category. Z is a finalist in the Lesbian Debut Fiction category. Joan is a finalist in the Lesbian Mystery category, for her novel From Hell to Breakfast, published by Blue Feather Books. To find out more about Elana, Z, and Jill, see Our Finalists below.
And there's more! Each year, the Publishing Triangle awards the Ferro-Grumley Award, to recognize excellence in fiction written from LGBT points of view. The award is made by a specially constituted panel of judges, who recognize just one title each year. This year, Jill Malone is a finalist for her second novel, A Field Guide to Deception. For more details, see Our Finalists below.
To celebrate such exciting news, we asked Elana, Z, and Jill
to explain why they write — and how. Check out Talking About
Writing below!
Elana and Z will be among several authors reading at the Finalists Reading for the Lambda Literary Awards on April 13. See Bywater Events below.
This year, the Publishing Triangle honors our publicist Michele Karlsberg, in recognition of her services across more than two decades to further LGBT literature.
So, congratulations to Michele! And to Elana, Z, Jill, and Joan — and we're keeping our fingers crossed for you all! The Lammys will be announced on May 27.
As always, we at Bywater strive to bring you the finest in
lesbian romance, mystery, and literary fiction.
Till next time!
Kelly Smith
Marianne K. Martin Val McDermid
A Field Guide to Deception
by Jill Malone
Finalist for Lesbian Fiction, Lambda Literary Awards 2010
Finalist for The Ferro-Grumley Award 2010
Everybody longs for a happy ending.
The day the kid fell in the river — that was the moment for Claire and Liv. The first inkling of a possibility of something to pull them together, away from grief, back from despair.
Following the death of her aunt, Claire struggled. For years, their lives had been bound together, with Claire happily writing the brilliant field guides whose covers carried her aunt's name. Now she was alone. With no way to move forward.
Until she looked at Liv with new eyes. Liv, the carpenter, the whirlwind, the beautiful danger. Liv, suddenly here.
But sometimes the possibility of love is too much to bear. As opportunities slowly unfurl like the petals of a flower, Claire and Liv negotiate love's challenges as well as its rewards. And on one terrible winter night, they confront the true cost of loving.
Everybody longs for a happy ending. Don't they?
Lesbian Fiction 272pp ISBN 978-1-932859-70-6
At fine stores everywhere or order directly from Bywater Books.
Risk by Elana Dykewomon
Finalist for Lesbian Fiction, Lambda Literary Awards 2010
To change the world, you need to take risks. That's something Carol Schwartz knows bone deep. And it's something she's prepared to do.
She learned about risk as a girl. She never understood why, but her father chose to go to Vietnam. She never saw him again.
Now Carol, a Berkeley-educated idealist, tutors high school students. A Jewish lesbian, she's a community activist in Oakland. And she's learned to take risks of her own. She gambles her inheritance, her love, even her own well-being.
Across the years — from the mid-eighties to the post-9/11 world — the stakes get ever higher and her gambles more desperate. Until finally Carol finds out just what's left when the last gamble is lost.
$14.95 Lesbian Fiction 272 pp ISBN 978-1-932859-69-0
At fine bookstores everywhere
Verge by Z Egloff
Finalist for Lesbian Debut Fiction, Lambda Literary Awards 2010
Claire has three goals: to stay sober, to stay away from sex, and to get into film school. So far she's blown two of the three and her drunken affair with her professor's wife means she might just have blown the third. Stuck without the camera she needs to complete her course work, she turns to Sister Hilary at the community center for help. Sister Hilary has a camera to lend, but the price is that Claire must volunteer. The only trouble is, Claire's more attracted to Sister Hilary than to helping out.
Claire ought to know there's no future with a nun, but can't this two-timing, twelve-stepping, twenty-something film freak get a chance at happiness?
Lesbian Fiction 272 pp ISBN 978-1-932859-68-3
At fine stores everywhere or order directly from Bywater Books.
March 16 was a great day for us all at Bywater. Kelly had the fun of telling Elana, Z, and Jill that they had all been nominated for Lammys.
Then I got to follow up by asking them all how it feels."…a bit strange," says Z. After all, there's no way round it: there is a competitive side to any award. And yet "the nature of the creative process is not competitive. When I'm writing every morning, I'm certainly not writing in opposition to anyone or anything! So it's a little funny to bring that energy into the process."
If she sounds a little shocked, that's probably because Verge is Z's first novel. To get recognition this early on in a writing career is very unusual — as Z is only too aware: "To be nominated for my first book feels like a real gift. I have no complaints!"
For anyone out there feeling just a little bit envious, it has to be said that Z has worked hard for her success. She began writing 10 years ago, and she wrote every single day. "For a few years, I wrote four hours a day, seven days a week.
"That doesn't work for me anymore!" (Phew!) "I have more of a life now! … I now do two hours in the morning, five days a week. I'm pretty disciplined, and I love the feeling of having a regular schedule. Plus it's a great way to write a novel! Slowly but surely, the thing gets done."
Seems that Z, like every writer, has found what works for her — and learned to trust it. The same is true for Jill: "You have to trust yourself an inordinate amount when you're not a plotter. And I'm not. I have some general idea where I'm headed, an image I work toward, but the rest is unknown."
Sounds pretty scary to me. But Jill reckons she's got good support:"I talk aloud to the dogs. Test the dialogue. The sentences. The rhythms. The old poet impulses of sound are impossible to break, and I wouldn't want to anyway. I love these days, in my ratty-assed chef's pants, hanging out with these people who strive and tumble."
Run that by me again, Jill. Dogs and torn pants — you say these work?
Yup. And blank pages don't worry her, either:"I used to write at a sliver of a desk, which was pressed against a wall, in the dining room/library/office portion of my apartment. With one goofball photo of my kid leaned against the neck of the monitor to break the monotony of a white wall, and a white page, I'd type for hours. (I only write by hand when I'm stuck, or dreaming.)"
Elana has a different process. But she has this in common with Z and Jill: discipline. "…I keep at it, in bits and pieces on the computer, in late night hours, in my journal when I travel or dream. The best way to write, I find, is to go away from daily life for three or four weeks if I can find them, or any time I can carve out. Then I am happy and challenged by solitude (happy to be challenged) and sometimes words come out that please me enough to share."
Elana, you see, has to have a good reason before she'll let us see her words: "As I get older, I suffer — not blocks, exactly — something closer to despair. The world is stuffed with words; why add to the debris? Yet I know that stories are what change hearts, inspire lives, comfort the isolated, and annoy the powerful."
That's one reason she writes. But there's something else that drives her. Something she didn't initially want to put into words. "Some processes seem private," she said.
Fair enough. But Elana's a writer, and she came up with the goods: "Mushrooms are the largest living organisms, some of their root systems spanning acres. Here and there, mushrooms appear overnight and turn to mush within a week. Botanists have slow-motion pictures and field reports of the underground tangles from which they sprout, but when we think of inky caps piercing leaf loam, it's as big a mystery as the fringed edge of the universe where (perhaps) stars are still being formed.
"At some point, everyone sits down to write something and most encounter many forms of difficulty (I know, because I teach college English and watch my students' struggles)."
"…I do what I can to nourish the underground life, mindful of how my roots twine for miles and decades with all the other women sitting down to write."
I love that last paragraph. It sums up, I think, what Bywater is all about: Women writing for other women.
Thank you, Elana! Thank you, Jill! And thank you, Z! We'll be keeping our fingers crossed on May 27!
Every month Bywater holds a prize draw. To enter, just answer a simple question–and this time round, it's about our new website.
All of the correct answers are thrown into a hat. The first one to be picked out wins!
This month's question is:
Which book by Elana Dykewomon won both the Lambda Literary Award and the Ferro-Grumley Award?
The winner will receive copies of our three Lammy finalists — Risk, Verge, and A Field Guide to Deception.
Send answers to us by e-mail at trivia@bywaterbooks.com or by post to the address in the righthand column–see To Order Books.
Congratulations to our most recent winner, who wins a copy of Marianne K. Martin's Love in the Balance.
The Publishing Triangle was established in 1988 to promote lesbian and gay writers and writing. Since 2002, it has presented its Leadership Award to people who have made important contributions to lesbian and gay literature but who are not themselves writers. This year's recipient is our publicist Michele Karlsberg.
And it's an honor she deserves! For more than two decades, she has promoted LGBT literature, working for authors as diverse as Kate Clinton, Katherine V. Forrest, and Martin Duberman. Curating the literary series Outspoken, she has brought new and established writers to a wider audience. She is the co-editor of two anthologies, To Be Continued and To Be Continued Take Two.And she produced the first Olivia Book Expo on the Holland Americas line. For all this — and more! — Michele will be presented with the Publishing Triangle's Leadership Award on 29 April, at a ceremony in New York.
Founded in 2001, the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival has been quick to establish an international reputation. It attracts the very best names in Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender publishing. Industry professionals–writers, editors, publishers, and reviewers–flock from around the world. Readers and fans are welcome too!
It's no wonder this event attracts so many: The organizers put together great panels and fun events, and New Orleans is a city that makes the perfect host.
This year, guests include Ann Bannon, the "Queen of Lesbian Pulp Fiction," and Lucy Jane Bledsoe.
From Bywater, Jill Malone, Marianne K. Martin, and Kelly Smith will definitely be attending, and more of our authors are planning to do so. Once the details are firmed up, we'll let you know.
This year's event takes place May 13-16, 2010.
For more details, visit: sasfest.org/category/festival
The Golden Crown Literary Society Conference is a must for anyone interested in lesbian literature–readers and writers alike!
Across a fun-packed weekend, you'll be able to attend presentations and listen to panel discussions. Authors will be reading, as well as signing their books. Publishers will be exhibiting, and there'll be time for chats over coffee.
This year Georgia Beers, Z Egloff, Marcia Finical, Marianne K. Martin, Bett Norris, Joan Opyr, and Kelly Smith will definitely be attending. And we'll let you know which other Bywater authors are making plans.
The conference takes place June 3-6, 2010 in Orlando, FLA.
For more information, visit: www.gclscon.com
Elana Dykewomon and Z Egloff are among several authors who will be reading at the San Francisco Finalists Reading of the Lambda Literary Awards on Tuesday, 13 April. The event will be hosted by Karen Sundheim, Lambda Foundation Board President Katherine Forrest, and Lambda Executive Director Tony Valenzuela. Arrive for the reception at 5 p.m. The readings will begin at 6 p.m. in the Latino-Hispanic Room. Hormel Center, San Francisco Public Library 100 Larkin Street (at Grove), San Francisco, CA 94102
Dykewomon will be reading and signing at Copperfield's Books on Saturday, May 22 at 7 p.m. 2316 Montgomery Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 For more information: 707 578-8938, wcfbooks@aol.com
Georgia Beers will be talking to Laura Zielinsky on her radio blog Readings in Lesbian & Bisexual Women's Fiction. They will be discussing Georgia's latest novel, Starting from Scratch — as well as the haze most authors end up in after the Golden Crown Literary Society Conference…! The show will air on June 10 at 10:30-11:30 p.m., EST.
Win! Win! Win!
With every newsletter, you have a chance to win.
This month we're giving away an i-Tunes gift certficate — to the value of $10.
Everyone who orders books from us during April — whether online, by mail order, or by phone — will be entered into a
prize drawer.
Congratulations to our most recent winner, K. from Texas.
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