Bywater Books Newsletter for June 2016

Bywater Books Newsletter for June 2016

Featuring Bury Me When I’m Dead by Cheryl A. Head Bury Me When I’m Dead “Bury Me When I’m Dead is a compelling tale from an intriguing new writer. Cheryl Head delivers Motor City details that ring true, characters that swagger off the page, and...
Bywater Books Newsletter for May 2016

Bywater Books Newsletter for May 2016

Featuring Backcast, the best-selling novel by Ann McMan    Praise for Backcast In the newly published, contemporary novel, Backcast, author Ann McMan provides an irreverent and insightful look at the hidden lives of women and how they laugh, love, and blunder...
Bywater/Ylva Blog Hop: Fay Jacobs

Bywater/Ylva Blog Hop: Fay Jacobs

Hi, this is Bywater Books author Fay Jacobs here to continue the Bywater Books / Ylva blog tour. Frankly, it’s my first online tour and I’m having fun reading the musings of all my wonderful colleagues If you don’t know me, I’m a native New Yorker, now living in...
The Blog Hop 2016

The Blog Hop 2016

Hello Bywater Friends and Readers, We are proud to announce a joint venture between Bywater Books authors and Ylva Publishing.  We know we already share some wonderful readers, and in this small, tight-knit community, we also understand that we are stronger when we...
The Fire Pit Incident

The Fire Pit Incident

Stunned. Hurt. Then angry. That was the immediate trajectory of my feelings following an incident where a neighbor called me the N word. Anger later turned into resolve to press my stake deeper in the ground of a gentrifying neighborhood and to shine a light on the...