Merry Gangemi recently interviewed Jill Malone for Woman-Stirred Radio. For Lambda Literary, she reviewed Jill’s new novel, Giraffe People, and says it’s a title she “really liked.”
There is, she says, a lot to appreciate about the writing: the “dialogues are strong and natural — one of the best aspects of Malone’s prose.” She adds too that “Malone is quite skilled at codas and segues from one scene to another, often playing sharp physical surroundings against complex internal emotions: ‘the five of us in the windy dark not speaking. Every home lit up and cheerful.’ She moves back and forth through time with ease and characters’ reflections and backward glances are vivid and seamless.”
When Gangemi interviewed Malone, she wondered if Giraffe People is better described as “young adult” fiction. It’s a question she raises again here, though she quickly adds that “this is not a flaw . . . There is no doubt that Jill Malone is a talented writer. I look forward to her next book.”
To read the whole review, click here.
And to hear the interview, click here.