Submit your work to Bywater Books:
We are not actively seeking submissions because our publishing calendar is full—please check back often because openings do occur.
The Bywater Books mission is to publish well-written commercial literature primarily targeted at lesbian, sapphic, and wlw readers. And our focus is on the following fiction and non-fiction categories: Romance, Mystery, Action/Thriller, Science-fiction/Fantasy, General Fiction, Cross-genre, Memoir, Essay, and Autobiography/Biography.
We encourage submissions across all diverse experiences, including (but not limited to) LGBTQIA, Native and indigenous, people of color, gender diversity, neurodiversity, people with disabilities, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities.
We subscribe to a broad definition of disability, including but not limited to physical, sensory, cognitive, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, chronic conditions, and mental illnesses (this may also include addiction). Furthermore, we subscribe to a social model of disability, which presents disability as created by barriers in the social environment due to lack of equal access, stereotyping, and other forms of marginalization.  Additionally, “lesbian, sapphic, and wlw” refers to a woman or nonbinary person who identifies as lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, Two Spirit, sapphic, homo/bi/pan-romantic asexual, and/or queer—this includes trans women.
We do not publish poetry or erotica.
If you choose to submit when we are not actively seeking submissions, we will do our best to get back to you with a timely response.
Thank you so much.
Bywater Books Manuscript Submission Form
Be sure to read our list of submission tips first.